
(animatic full service: 3D staging, boarding, editing and sound layout for animated movies, TV series and other animation projects, using ToonBoom Storyboard Pro)

Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss – Auf in den Dschungel!

During my function as storyboard supervisor for the second movie of The little Dragon Coconut I had the opportunity to board a short sequence myself.

client: Caligari
CG animated feature, 2017, 80 min, director: Antony Power

Ritter Rost – TV Serie

(engl. title: Knight Rusty TV series)

side by side comparison of storyboard and final animation pass (storyboard: Nils Eckhardt, animation: Sophie Animation)

client: Caligari / KiKA
CGI TV animation series, 2013, 52 episodes á 11 min, director: Felix Schichl