Secondary characters
All figures you can see below are actually not mentioned in the original story. I added them to clarify specific parts of the plot.
All figures you can see below are actually not mentioned in the original story. I added them to clarify specific parts of the plot.
I found some more early sketches of the fields and the warrior when I was looking for the concepts of the secondary characters. It’s interesting how deep you can get into a figure, digging for its character, turning out specific attributes over hours and days … just to realize that it’s not the one.
So you have to start it all over again.
The fact Moon Suk, the authoress of The wild fields and the warrior, originates from Korea automatically built an asiatic setting in my mind for the whole plot. For that reason I got inspired by some samurai images. I found them at that time while researching for the design of the warrior. Of course I know the samurai’s origin is in Japan, not Korea. But I didn’t want to create a scenery with a specific historical background anyway. So I felt free to explore all kinds of asian tradition and inspiration.
As you can see below, the warrior took a completely different direction in his development comparing to the character design of the fields. The more they developed separately, the better it worked for the story. Because the warrior had to symbolize the real world it was obvious to draw him more concrete than the apparitional fields and give him an outline which defines exactly the warriors shape.
During the process of designing the characters I also thought about totally abstract ways of telling the story. For example, I came up with the idea to let some industrial machines do the acting (the warrior would have been a tank who changes into a combine harvester) and many other stuff, but at the end all this seemed to be a little bit too strange and far-fetched to me.
Finally I am quite happy with the result of the warrior’s character design. At least he is the main character of the film. I wanted him to be a physically strong person, but also a bit instable, maybe naive.
Because the fields are interacting with the warrior, I had to come up with characters that represent the respective field. Firstly I thought about the creation of some real women character living on the fields. But soon I felt that the charm the story has to convey would suffer through this concrete execution.
So I went more and more abstract. At last those mystic and spectral but also magical and beautiful beings occur in my mind. Finally I used a collage technique to bring them on paper which would make it difficult to animate the figures frame by frame. Thus I decided to get some motion in it by crossfading the most important keyframes and do the creation of most of the animation later in the compositing.
.Please check out the character design section. I put some new characters stuff there…
.oder: Neuer Rätselspass aus unserer Rubrik “Wer findet den Fehler?”
Ein guter Illustrator verinnerlicht das Thema seiner Arbeit und versetzt sich mental in die Figuren, die er erschafft.
Ein hervorragender Illustrator ist die Figur.
Vor diesem Hintergrund freut es mich, derzeit wieder an einigen Animationssequenzen und dem Characterdesign für das NDR Bibel- und Deutschlandquiz arbeiten zu können, denn ein alter Bekannter aus der ersten Sendung von 2008 ist auch wieder mit von der Partie.
Steampunk Circus ist ein neues Kurzfilmprojekt, an dem ich zusammen mit den 3D-Artists Duc Minh Tran und Florian Hahn arbeite.
Zur Zeit sind wir noch ganz am Anfang, entwickeln die Story, ein Szenario und die Protagonisten. Für mich persönlich eine sehr interessante und spannende Herausforderung, da es mein erster eigener CGI-Film sein wird. Mal sehen wie ich mich mit meinen Kenntnissen einbringen kann, aber 3D hin oder her: es müssen ja erstmal die Designs gezeichnet werden.
So, here we go…