Tag Archives: graffiti

Graffiti “Food Wars”

In meiner Heimatstadt Aurich habe ich vor einem Monat in der neuen Realschul-Mensa ein Graffiti gesprüht – nach 15 Jahren mal wieder der Geruch von Aerosol in der Nase… hmmmm!

Graffiti Realschulmensa

Graffiti Realschulmensa


Graffiti Realschulmensa

finaler Entwurf – geplant allerdings noch für die ganze Wand


Graffiti Realschulmensa

apfelgrüner Weltraum – farblich passend zur späteren Einrichtung der Mensa


Graffiti Realschulmensa

erster Entwurf – noch etwas zu dunkel

Old School: Black Book Two

.Here are some more old stuff graffiti sketches:

Graffiti Sketches

I sprayed this nice guy in front of a music store.


Graffiti Sketches

A sketch of a breakdance scene.


Graffiti Sketches

Do you know the caterpillar of Alice in Wonderland…?


Graffiti Sketches

Tweety works out in the entrance of a fitness centre.


Graffiti Sketches

B.U.T., spell it “beauty” (… yeah, I wasn’t only cool those days but also smart).


Graffiti Sketches

I made this one in my room at home. See my tag on the bottom left? CZA (spell “ceesa”), which means Comic Ztyle Art (smart again, isn’t it?).


Graffiti Sketches

In a cloth store…


Graffiti Sketches

At the Aurich Hall of Fame with my mate Sven…


Graffiti Sketches

Some more fishes on a VW bus, to cover the rust (there was plenty of it).


Graffiti Sketches

And finally some details of the bus.

Old School: Black Book One

Recently, while searching for some of my typography stuff because I had to design the logo for a game, I stumbled across my old black books. It was fun to watch all the graffiti sketches and characters I designed those days – almost 20 years ago now…

It’ll take a few more months before I can show you pictures of my current projects, so I decided to put some of my early works here. Watch out for more.

Black Book

This should be a tribute to Bob Kane, the creator of Batman. But in fact it never made it upon a wall…


Black Book

I wasn’t the wild style writer type of a sprayer but much more into characters.


Black Book

For this piece I got inspired by the comic “Dark War” from Tom Veitch and Cam Kennedy


Black Book

Me at work…


The next few images show the process of a graffiti the way I did it:

Black Book

First the rough sketch to find the shape of the character and the flow of the letters.


Black Book

Next, I did the layout and used it for my color sketch.


Black Book

Now it’s getting serious: doing the fill-ins.


Black Book

And at last we got a nice piece in the skate shop “Mr Wilson” in Aurich.