In 2015 I had the oppurtunity to work as Head of Storyboard for the cg animated feature movie Ritter Rost 2 – Das Schrottkomplott (engl: Knight Rusty 2 – Full Metal Jacket). Today, the Caligari production is coming into theaters all over Germany.
In 2015 I had the oppurtunity to work as Head of Storyboard for the cg animated feature movie Ritter Rost 2 – Das Schrottkomplott (engl: Knight Rusty 2 – Full Metal Jacket). Today, the Caligari production is coming into theaters all over Germany.
Am 19. Januar 2017 kommt Das Schrottkomplott, der zweite Kinofilm mit Ritter Rost, auf die große Leinwand. Ich habe für die Caligari-Produktion am Storyboard mitgewirkt.
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