You can also watch “Die wilden Felder und der Krieger” as “The wild fields and the warrior” with english subtitles.
You can also watch “Die wilden Felder und der Krieger” as “The wild fields and the warrior” with english subtitles.
The fact Moon Suk, the authoress of The wild fields and the warrior, originates from Korea automatically built an asiatic setting in my mind for the whole plot. For that reason I got inspired by some samurai images. I found them at that time while researching for the design of the warrior. Of course I know the samurai’s origin is in Japan, not Korea. But I didn’t want to create a scenery with a specific historical background anyway. So I felt free to explore all kinds of asian tradition and inspiration.
As you can see below, the warrior took a completely different direction in his development comparing to the character design of the fields. The more they developed separately, the better it worked for the story. Because the warrior had to symbolize the real world it was obvious to draw him more concrete than the apparitional fields and give him an outline which defines exactly the warriors shape.
During the process of designing the characters I also thought about totally abstract ways of telling the story. For example, I came up with the idea to let some industrial machines do the acting (the warrior would have been a tank who changes into a combine harvester) and many other stuff, but at the end all this seemed to be a little bit too strange and far-fetched to me.
Finally I am quite happy with the result of the warrior’s character design. At least he is the main character of the film. I wanted him to be a physically strong person, but also a bit instable, maybe naive.
Finally I am about to put my short film from 2008 Die wilden Felder und der Krieger (The wild fields and the warrior) on my vimeo account.
Currently I’m rendering some different sizes of two versions (the original in german and a second one with english subtitles), which will take a while. To reduce the time of waiting I’ll post some facts and informations about the development and the making of the movie, over the next few days..
Eine öffentliche Vorführung gibt es dieses Jahr noch von Die wilden Felder und der Krieger, und zwar auf den Flensburger Kurzfilmtagen, die vom 10. bis 13. November 2010 stattfinden. Mein Kurzfilm läuft am Samstagabend (13.11.) innerhalb des Sonderscreenings tricky ab 20:00 h im Kino 51 Stufen.
Die wilden Felder und der Krieger nimmt an dem Onlinewettbewerb – Das erotische Kurzfilmfestival im Internet teil.
Hier kann mein Kurzfilm schon jetzt angeschaut und kommentiert werden. Das Final Voting findet dann vom 04. bis 18. Oktober statt 😉
On sunday, December 13th, The wild fields and the warrior will be shown at the 8th La.Meko Fimfestival in Landau/Pfalz, Germany.
After more than one year that the movie is done now, this will be the premiere in Germany (instead of a little release party in my studio here in munich last year). I’m quite happy about that because it brings back my belief in the liking of good films of the german people 😀
Yesterday the Bolzano ShortFilmFestival started in South Tyrol, Italy. My animation short film The wild fields and the warrior participates in the German-speaking programm “Die kurze Welle” in section I.
I will go there on saturday with Benjamin Scabell, the guy who made some visual effects for The wild fields. I’m very excited, because I never was in Italy before and of course I’m looking forward to look at the audience while watching my movie.
Now it’s official: The wild fields and the warrior will be screened in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) within the festival Sem Tabu – 4° Festival Internacional de Animação e Educação Sexual (formerly known as FIAE – Festival internacional de Animação Erótica, I posted about the invitation earlier).
The festival is taking place from November 10-12 in the Oi Futuro Ipanema Theater. If somebody happens to be there, take the time to have a look.
The wild fields and the warrior is going to be shown at the 7th International Animation Film Festival Tindirindis 2009 which takes place in Vilnius (Lithuania) from October 19-25.
My shortmovie will be screened on sunday, 25th, as part of the special programme “Legends and Affairs”.
…for the animated short film The wild fields and the warrior at the 4th International Young Filmmakers Short Film Festival Vilnius Film Shorts which will take place in Vilnius (Lithuania) from October 1st-4th.