Tag Archives: 2d

The creation of “Die wilden Felder und der Krieger” – Part 3


I found some more early sketches of the fields and the warrior when I was looking for the concepts of the secondary characters. It’s interesting how deep you can get into a figure, digging for its character, turning out specific attributes over hours and days … just to realize that it’s not the one.

So you have to start it all over again.


Some facial drafts of a warrior. It was not the one I was searching for…



At this point the warrior had a beard after all (but still not the right one all in all) …



These cloth sketches are obviously influenced by some samurai references…



Sideways shape of the early wild fields.



Some sketches to get the proportions of the characters.

The creation of “Die wilden Felder und der Krieger” – Part 2

The warrior

The fact Moon Suk, the authoress of The wild fields and the warrior, originates from Korea automatically built an asiatic setting in my mind for the whole plot. For that reason I got inspired by some samurai images. I found them at that time while researching for the design of the warrior. Of course I know the samurai’s origin is in Japan, not Korea. But I didn’t want to create a scenery with a specific historical background anyway. So I felt free to explore all kinds of asian tradition and inspiration.


Research and Design

As you can see below, the warrior took a completely different direction in his development comparing to the character design of the fields. The more they developed separately, the better it worked for the story. Because the warrior had to symbolize the real world it was obvious to draw him more concrete than the apparitional fields and give him an outline which defines exactly the warriors shape.

During the process of designing the characters I also thought about totally abstract ways of telling the story. For example, I came up with the idea to let some industrial machines do the acting (the warrior would have been a tank who changes into a combine harvester) and many other stuff, but at the end all this seemed to be a little bit too strange and far-fetched to me.

Finally I am quite happy with the result of the warrior’s character design. At least he is the main character of the film. I wanted him to be a physically strong person, but also a bit instable, maybe naive.


These are a few different phases of the warriors development process.



The warrior has got a really wide chest. He looks a bit like a rooster to me in the side view…



Some final impressions of the warrior.

The creation of “Die wilden Felder und der Krieger” – Part 1


Because the fields are interacting with the warrior, I had to come up with characters that represent the respective field. Firstly I thought about the creation of some real women character living on the fields. But soon I felt that the charm the story has to convey would suffer through this concrete execution.

So I went more and more abstract. At last those mystic and spectral but also magical and beautiful beings occur in my mind. Finally I used a collage technique to bring them on paper which would make it difficult to animate the figures frame by frame. Thus I decided to get some motion in it by crossfading the most important keyframes and do the creation of most of the animation later in the compositing.


The wild fields


Development of the main character: the wild fields. At some point it was a consistant decision to show all the fields naked for bringing out their natural being.



Final version of the wild fields.


The flowerfields


The flowerfields had to be glamorous and beautiful. I decided to add some butterflies that should always flutter around her.



Final look of the flowerfield.


The other fields



The vegetablefields are my personal favorite. To symbolize fertility of nature I decided they have to be pregnant.



I like the colours of the vegetabelfields and especially the pumpkins and melons.




The potatoefields were the most difficult. They should look like potatoes somehow but have a sexy appearance anyway.



At last I got the gracious and buxom potatoefields.




The cornfields weren’t easy, too. Because of their pretty angular shape they seemed not very attractive to me. So I was glad about the idea for the crown of corn, which makes them looking a little bit like a showgirl.



Final version of the cornfields.

Making of “Die wilden Felder und der Krieger”

Finally I am about to put my short film from 2008 Die wilden Felder und der Krieger (The wild fields and the warrior) on my vimeo account.

Currently I’m rendering some different sizes of two versions (the original in german and a second one with english subtitles), which will take a while. To reduce the time of waiting I’ll post some facts and informations about the development and the making of the movie, over the next few days..

Making of

Patrik and Jens working at The Wild Fields in my little studio in Leipzig (2007)

Ostermontag ist gerettet!

Die Zeit ist reif für ein neues NDR Bibelquiz. Am Montag, den 05. April um 22:10 h, ist es endlich wieder soweit. Im NDR Fernsehen läuft die neueste Ausgabe der beliebten Quizsendung, für die ich natürlich auch diesmal wieder einige lustige Zeichentrickclips produziert habe.

Nähere Informationen zur Sendung gibt es auf der NDR Homepage.

Viel Spaß!

2d animation

Ein blendend aufgelegter Jesus…

New animation screenshots added

Zum Jahresausklang gibt es ein paar neue Animation Screenshots von Zeichentricksequenzen, die ich letztes Jahr für das  NDR Deutschlandquiz produziert habe.

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich allen schöne Weihnachten und einen spitzenmässigen Start in 2010!

Animation Screenshots

NDR Deutschlandquiz Clip “Troja”

First screening in Germany

On sunday, December 13th, The wild fields and the warrior will be shown at the 8th La.Meko Fimfestival in Landau/Pfalz, Germany.

After more than one year that the movie is done now, this will be the premiere in Germany (instead of a little release party in my studio here in munich last year). I’m quite happy about that because it brings back my belief in the liking of good films of the german people 😀
