Tag Archives: character concept
Wallpaper Construction Site
A wallpaper for my nephew.
Conceptual Designs Dungeon Stuff
Actually I do some conceptual designs for a game project of a few mates. The working title is Dark Dungeon (edit: now called Cryptarium) and it already looks great. As they plan to build a couple of levels all in different styles there will be a lot of assets and creatures to create…
Old School: Black Book Two
.Here are some more old stuff graffiti sketches:
Old School: Black Book One
Recently, while searching for some of my typography stuff because I had to design the logo for a game, I stumbled across my old black books. It was fun to watch all the graffiti sketches and characters I designed those days – almost 20 years ago now…
It’ll take a few more months before I can show you pictures of my current projects, so I decided to put some of my early works here. Watch out for more.
The next few images show the process of a graffiti the way I did it:
Do you know this guy?
.oder: Neuer Rätselspass aus unserer Rubrik “Wer findet den Fehler?”
Ein guter Illustrator verinnerlicht das Thema seiner Arbeit und versetzt sich mental in die Figuren, die er erschafft.
Ein hervorragender Illustrator ist die Figur.
Vor diesem Hintergrund freut es mich, derzeit wieder an einigen Animationssequenzen und dem Characterdesign für das NDR Bibel- und Deutschlandquiz arbeiten zu können, denn ein alter Bekannter aus der ersten Sendung von 2008 ist auch wieder mit von der Partie.