As I’m currently working hard for an animated TV-series, I’ve to feed my site with some (really) old stuff from my sketch books. Enjoy watching…
Tag Archives: characterdesign münchen
Illus für “Schwanger? Null Promille!”-Blog
“Schwanger? Null Promille!” ist eine Kampagne des Bayerisches Zentrums für Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung (ZPG) am Bayerischen Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, die für den Alkoholverzicht in der Schwangerschaft wirbt.
Ich steuere dazu einige Illustrationen für einen Blog bei, auf dem ein gewisser Carsten davon berichtet, wie es ist Vater zu werden und Vater zu sein.
Update 28.07.2013:
Update 05.12.2013:
Concept designs for Tales of Vendetta
As I mentioned earlier, I was working for MegaZebra last year.
Another facebook game they’re actually working on is Tales of Vendetta. There is a Beta version online, which is already fun to play and definitely worth a look. I did most of the concept designs, especially for the buildings, environment props and the characters. As you can see below, I also created the logo and some of the icons for the UI. Furthermore, there are a few story screens I concepted.
Of course you all know, the first publication of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales had it`s 200 th anniversary in 2012. That made the work for ToV a bit special. Above all, designing some of the famous figures was a lot of fun. Not least because my task was to exaggerate the characters: the guys a bit more tougher, the girls a bit more sexy…
Responsible for the final art were two artists, I want to mention here:
Tarek Samaan did a brilliant job on the 3D realisation of my concept designs. Check out his blog, were he has posted 3D versions of some of the characters.
And Anja Rabenstein made the clean ups and coloration of most of the 2D stuff and the UI used in the game.
Thanks for your support.
The Artists Workshop behind door 13
… is not the title of the latest movie I was storyboarding for. But this door 13 leads to my artists workshop. I’m in there since the beginning of the year, when I was moving down two floors in a complex of buildings called “Fruchthof”. In fact, it is an old fruit market.
The rooms of my new studio are quite big, the colleagues around me are supernice, as is the hood and finally I have enough space to place all my artbooks in range. And I got my own doorplate. Gosh! Altogether it’s really cool to work there.
Have a look at it:
Working on paper…
I was invited to a wedding the last weekend where I had to draw a greeting card spontaneously. And as I’m working only digital for more than two years now, it was a bit of a challenge.
But in the end it was a nice experience to draw with pencil and marker again and NOT to have the opportunitiy to adjust the drawing or parts of it afterwards.
Character sketches
Violá! I did these character sketches in preparation for storyboarding the ProSieben Superheroes Campagne.
Actually, these doodles weren’t used for the project but anyhow look good enough to me for posting them here.
Concept Artist for Travian Games
Over the last one and a half years I worked as a concept artist for the munich based browser game company Travian Games. I had a great time there, the job was really exciting and the team was awesome.
Due to the fact we had to develop a whole village including the environment it was an extremly diversified task. As a concept artist you are not simply an illustrator. During my occupation at Travian I had to be an architect as well as a carpenter, mason, sculptor, interior decorator and fashion designer.
Take a look at a few of my concepts and character designs I did at Travian. I hope you can see the fun I had by doing them.
Old School: Black Book Two
Old School: Black Book One
Recently, while searching for some of my typography stuff because I had to design the logo for a game, I stumbled across my old black books. It was fun to watch all the graffiti sketches and characters I designed those days – almost 20 years ago now…
It’ll take a few more months before I can show you pictures of my current projects, so I decided to put some of my early works here. Watch out for more.

This should be a tribute to Bob Kane, the creator of Batman. But in fact it never made it upon a wall…
The next few images show the process of a graffiti the way I did it: